Declaration of Belief

We believe the dignity of every individual to be sacred...

We believe life's highest purpose for each individual is to become all that she or he is created to be, and...

We believe the highest purpose for the Corporation is to make worthy contributions to the common good, therefore...

All activities, objectives and policies are to be ordered toward individual development and the common good.

Because economic success is essential for an environment that fosters human development and provides for the common good, we must maintain an orderly, efficient and profitable organization and respect the dignity of every individual.

Because many spiritual traditions speak powerfully regarding the conditions necessary to provide for the common good, foster individual development and respect human dignity, we will encourage each other to draw wisdom from these traditions and from individual expressions of spirituality.


Direction Statement

Reell is a team united in the operation of a business based on the practical application of spiritual values to promote the growth of individuals and advance the common good for the benefit of co-workers and their families, customers, shareholders, suppliers and community. Rooted in Judeo-Christian values, we welcome and draw on the richness of our spiritually diverse community. We are committed to provide an environment where there is harmony between work and our moral/ethical values and family responsibilities and where everyone is treated justly.

The tradition of excellence at Reell was founded on a commitment to excellence rooted in the character of our Creator. Instead of driving each other toward excellence, we strive to free each other to grow and express the excellence that is within all of us.

By adhering to the following four common spiritual principles, we are challenged to work and make decisions consistent with God's purpose for creation according to our individual understanding.

Do what is right
We are committed to do what is right, even when it does not seem to be profitable, expedient, or conventional.

Do our best
In our understanding of excellence we embrace a commitment to continuous improvement in everything we do. It is our commitment to encourage, teach, equip, and free each other to do and become all that we were intended to be.

Treat others as we would like to be treated

Seek Inspirational Wisdom
By looking outside ourselves, especially with respect to decisions having far-reaching and unpredictable consequences, but we will act only when the action is confirmed unanimously by others concerned.

We currently design and manufacture innovative products for a global market. Our goal is to continually improve our ability to meet customer needs. How we accomplish our mission is important to us. The following groups are fundamental to our success:

People are the heart of Reell. We are committed to provide a secure opportunity to earn a livelihood and pursue personal growth.

Customers are the lifeblood of Reell. Our products and services must be the best in meeting and exceeding customer expectations.

We recognize that profitability is necessary to continue in business, reach our full potential, and fulfill our responsibilities to shareholders. We expect profits, but our commitments to coworkers and customers come before short term profits.

We will treat our suppliers as valuable partners in all our activities.

We will use a share of our energy and resources to meet the needs of our local and global community.

We find that in following these principles we can experience enjoyment, happiness, and peace of mind in our work and in our individual lives.